Baa baa black sheep,Have you any wool???
Yes sir Yes sir ...........blah blah blah...heck....
Now isnt this impractical???
How the hell baa baa black sheep can talk and compile humans lingo??

Let me take the pain to nourish your GK :-
Baa Baa Black Sheep is a nursery rhyme, sung to a variant of the 1761 French
melody Ah! vousdirai-je, Maman.
Yes this is again our very own wikipedia !
Do we ever bother about this fact???..obviously NO..Because in kindergarten the only
issue we are suppose to dealt with was SU-SU and CHi-CHi. And the difference between
the same.
Lately Generation gap is not what is between you and your parents. But now its between two successive
classes in school. The coming generation is so fast,advance and smart.Born maestro.At the time of learning ABCD,they know the difference between gay and GAY.
Few days back i met my nephew.My cousin asked him to sing nursery rhymes :
"Sonu twinkle twinkle bolo k sunao betaaaaaaaaaa?????"
He gave me a damn nasty look and didn't utter a word. It seemed ,he really wanted to kick off my ass. Then after few minutes he came back to me and started singing "Tokyo drift - fast and furiousssssssssss".
Now that was my turn to give LO look and get startled.
Should I kick his ass ???
Should I kick his ass ???
I wonder ! But its not his fault....
Being brought in a family where lullabies and rhymes are actually Enrique,Led Zeppelin,Floyd hits and where it is B for Bugger,P for Pizza,F for Figure, W for Who's Figure ? Actually mark the difference.

Forthcoming generation is damn smart.For them "baa baa black sheep"....won't work.But people overlooked the fact and still Baa Baa black sheep and all other are rocking in kindergarten.Children know all this rhymes even before going there.Thus kindergarten/playschool/pre-nursery/r any hell variant of word nursery is just formality now.
I don't know But....
While publishing this post remains of Amir's movie Taare zameen par kept popping up in my mind.
No-No i am not Dyslexia patient.Seriously i am not.But I liked the method of that dyslexic Ishaan Awasti remember 3x9=3 ?
Even in final year of engg,I oftently use it,to answer some of the unknown question or sometime all.It works to atleast fill the answer sheets.
Bye folks!
Enjoy and tc..
Pls. do comment otherwise I will continue writting more crap \m/
aaj kal ke bacche...baap re baap...waise ishan awasthi wala method hum log bhi apply karte hai ...multiple choice wale questions me(akkad bakkad bambay bo...)
SU-SU and CHi-CHi --- lolz ROFL !!!
Generation gap between two successive classes in school -- very true :D
But ams I thought it was G for Girlfriend :P .. and S for would be??? ... SUTTA???? 8)
Jack & Jill got kidnapped by Bajrang Dal from the hill... --- Awesome .. Are you planning for a full version?? ;)
mast likha hai.:)
bp re.. mujhey yeh soch kay dar lag raha hai.. kay jab mere bacchey hoongey toh kya woh aise hoonge... soch kay bahut darr lag raha hai ... :) :P
su su chi lol lol lol
maan gaye bossss tussi toh cha gaye
kya likhe ho
majeeeee aaa gai be
Hahahaha!!...Seriously funny....
But aise bacche are the only type of bacche I know...Babab Black Seep wale bacche maine kabhi nahi dekhe!!! :|
Loved it
Take Care
Bilkul sach aur munasib post... Hum aapki baato se ittefaak rakhte hain mautarma!
aajkal bachhe TV kholte hain toh yehi sab dekhte hain aur seekhte hain..!
said so true of the generation gap... i feel so even wen i talk to a few of my online friends who are abt 4-5 yrs younger to me !!! and about filling the exam sheets, it was a exercise then and fun now to think about it ... :D
ps: liked ur blog.. adding to my blogroll
lol a nice post..
a very cute one!
and its true, the words like bajrang dal, Akshay Kumar have become common i nursery kids... thewy might erase and write again and again to add 2 and 4 to make it 5..[:d]
but they know who beat girls and boys on V day and whose song was hit last year
good work!
LOL... funny to the core.. and quite thought provoking as well.. watever u've written there is true.. Awesome.. looking forward to more and more of such funny stuff from u.. Rock on..!!
hehe aajkal ke bacche bade naughty he and miles ahead of our generation :)
no wonder u got that reply :)
BTW bajrang dal wala PJ rocking tha bhiya :)
Jack nd Jill got kidnapped by Bajrang
** Do comment otherwise I will continue writting more crap :P :P :D
This is not a comment. :P Yes, I dare. :P
Heh heh heh, I think u can release a remixed version of those rhymes. ;D
I posted a comment but it has vanished :(
I absolutely agree with this line of yours "Lately Generation gap is not what is between you and your parents. But now its between two successive
classes in school."
Do write more "craps" suchlike :)
u worry abt BA BA black sheep... have u ever given a tot abt Rock a-bye baby or Mary had a little lamb.. lolzz
multiple choice mai sirf :O..I use that in theory question to..just use imaginative power :P
OO next tym I ll consultant u before publishing post..
Yes i can write S for Sutta :P :P
G gor GF :P :D
Thxs dear !
oye..tere comment k bad mujko bhi tension ho rahi hai...mere pintu-Chintu ki :P
man gaye na..Su-S...chi-chi ko :P :P
Seriously funny ;)..
seriously thank you..
Thanku..ittefaak rakhne ko..or post padhne ko :D
@pretty me
Do try directly in ur xms ,dont exercise it..imagination wont work i exercise :P
Thxs dear..
Thxs for adding :)
Seems u r experienced :P..
well ur comment is correct in all aspects ;)
thxs from the core of my nursey shackled heart :D
looking frwd to hv more comments frm u :P...(well i guess my blog is not having any serious post :O)
one question..
Y u turn sam2 ???
Clone or wat? :P
thxs..yup bajrang dal rocks :P
n thxs for the visit :)
ahaaaan...not a comment ..u bet?? :P
oo ya..i can release that..thxs for the idea..I got a job now :D...
vanish??ooo i hate technicals problems when it cms to delete comments frm my blog..uhhhhh.. :|
thxs btw.. :)
yup...i swear...will cm wit more crap
If i wud hv worried ab...
Rock a-bye baby or Mary had a little lamb..then i cud have 2 more post i my blogs :D..
thxs anyways..
n thxs for the visit
lol... reminds me of someone 20 years ago :P
hehehe.......yeah kids nw a days r smart ehh....
tujhe yeh khayal kaha aur kaise aaya ladki
susu and chichi =))
jack and jill got kidnapped by bajrang dal from the hill =))
what did u eat before u wrote this post... =)) such a lol and rofl wala post =))
oooh i loved that part of ishan awasthi's 3*9= 3 :D :D :D hehe..unfortunately it cant help in law, except we can take a defence of being dyslexic :P :P
mast post :D looking forward to more of such funny crap :D :D
p.-s the title of the post cud hv been better...just a minor suggestion.. :)
Su-Su and Chi-Chi! LOL! I had my nephew say the same thing yesterday... just because he thought it was a bad word :P
Great thoughts! Keep writing crap, coz it's the best kinda chi-chi that comes outta your brain :)
The new generation is really smart, blunt and forward. My 6 year old niece prefers watching FRIENDS to cartoons! How crazy is that....
Nice post dear....achha khasa xplain kar diya aaj kal ki advanced genration k bachho ko...gud one...
jab ye padha to 1 hi bachha dikha mujhe who inspired u to write this...heheeeeeee..
The 3*9 = 3 method totally rocks !!! I sooo use it too :D
And "Humpty Dumpty Eno try kar yaar."....ROFL
Great blog. Blogrolling you. Hope you don't mind.
nahi nahi...I was very innocent sacchi :P
hey..nice you c u..long tym...hmm..
Idea jo balad de apki duniya :P..all credit to my nephew :P
Bourvita wala milk :D
thxs :)..
yup even i was not thinking the asame title was not perfect..cud hv been beetr :|..
thxs for suggestion..:)
Ya will write more crap to hv more chi-chi..Thanku
n thxs for d visit..
@Dhanya.. stop her...otherwise her mental growth cud b stunned :D
heheh..yup...even i thought the same :P
hope you dont score the same number lyk ishan awasti :P
Ooo i never mind for such reasons :P...
thxs for adding..dear..
n thxs for d visit :)
back being sam :)
lolz...quite a nostaliga-filled post..thts hw i c it..btw wch kindergarten u went tht only hs "su-su nd chi-chi" in its syllabus...lolz...
Hahahaha!!...Seriously funny....
lolll @ F for Figure, W for Who's Figure :D
nice post!
haha...happens all the time...
and there's this really popular one:
Joy to the world,
the teacher's dead,
we scissored off her head,
what did we do to her body,
we flushed it down the potty...
and round and round it goes,
until it overflows...
:) :)..welcome back sam :) :)
n nice template dear
kindergarten..Thats a secret..ll not tell u...:P..
thxs for ur comment btw..made my day :)
@sugar cube..
nice name buddy :)..
thxs for the visit :)
@jinxed pixie..
funny lynssss..
U got a job! Woot... ;D Jaldi se remix version nikaalo..!
Blog updated, today (4th). The wrong post is showing up on people's blogrolls.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Again a masterpiece ! funny..damn...
esp.. bajarang dal one :D :D..rofl..
u got a awesum blog...
write all crap...waiting for next dear..
u know u r right!! my nephew is so wayy smarter than i am!! and TZP released a year too late..i was done with engineering already by that time(sob..sob)...couldve def used darsheel's tips..oh well...!
but the PJ's...yaar!! enuff already!!
genration gap wala fact is so true makes me feel old/stale/loser etc etc !
yeah and kids do ..prefer ..using laptop over 2 and half year old niece could switch on windows vista out of 3 OS on the comp and i was like .."OMG shez has charles babage ki atma inside kya ?"
till class 5 i was afraid to switch on calculators too and still i am nt much comfortable wid my samsung U600 :(
PJs toh Pjs the worse they are the better they sound :D
mast post !
among all Humpty Dumpty Eno try kar yar... was the best .. so true.
hamare time pe there was nth called play school n all.
n nw whn a mother is preg. they start hunting for montisary. in some school 1 yr advance booking is needed. My couisn who is just 1 yr old gt her admission in montisary for next yr and paying around 1 lakh per yr. imagine..
@crackpot ..
thxs for ur appreciation..
ya ll write soon
yup darsheel tips rocks \m/
engg again.. Sob sob..,,,hugs....bad tym...
thx the visit btw :)
hehehe charles babage ki aatma :D...lolz...
true re..ut now i m damn comfortable with my calculator :P
thxs :)
seriously...1 lac..fees structure sucks..
I will directly admit my child in IIT same fees more profit ;);)
hahaha... kya bachchey hain baap rey baap...
but ur post is full of humor... i loved it...
first timer ..through neha...seriously ..u had me on the time black sheep is dead :P..
thxs buddy :)
thru neha?
...ya sheep dead :P
thxs for the visit :)
Tuition? :) Aapki marzi. Jab chaahe, yad kar-lo. After all, you did say you are "falling" for my blog. ;)
Holi greetings to you and yours.
oh u dont need to thank me...ur blog helped me through an absolutely boring day at work...
U have urself a new follower..BLOG ROLLED
Lol. I completely enjoyed ur post.
Thanx for making me smile and finally see a good post after literally 100s of boring dumb ones..(Mine is no good either. 100 points to me for trying though.. Hee).
Wud u be inteersted in featuring ur blog in another blog that wud convert ur blog into a neat little pic and make it a link...and let people visit u?
Have a check.
lemme know.
Anand. :-)
Oh and I almost fgot to tell u..
Remember Mary??? The one who had the SHEEP? Ofocurse u do..Well, Shes all grown up now..
check this out too.. I'm sure ull find some humour in it..
ANAnd. :-)
let the crap come... like it anyways
aye hai, some one is in a mood to talk :P luv ya for this post :) i was getting bored at work and this was sure interesting :P
hahahah...too good...very funny! are really getting smarter these days :D
"Jack & Jill got kidnapped by Bajrang Dal from the hill..."
i remember..:)..
jaldi he tution ki baat karte hai :D
thxs for ur words:)..u made my day..
thxs re..
ll c abt tat featuring one..
heheh...u got nice blog..luved that post..mary one..looking frwd to hv more of it.. :)
thxs for the visit..
keep visiting..
thxs :)
heheh..hope u ll luv more crap frm my side ;)
nice name :)..hehe..ya they left us behind..:(..
thxs nyways..
n thxs for the visit :)
Your posts are fun read. At least jobless people like me can have some minutes of rotfls... :)
Blog rolling you..
DN :)
thxs..hope even after getting job u ll read my blog :)..
thxs for the visit
Oh I will .:)
Bachoon se jealous hona achi baat nahi hai :P...
First time at ur blog...luv d way u write....cya arnd!!
nahi nahi not jealous its competition :P:P
thxs for the visit :)
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