Atlast..she is back....
I mean...The lazy billy, with all its crap is backkkkkk....
Another in the string of posts that will start with all the bullshit, poop,irish bull...and will messily end up with jerk to save from it...What i mean to say is..
I am back with another totally mindless blog post.....So beware before proceeding..
Just imagine......You are preparing for a Municipality types exam...and suddenly u face stanford/MIT beckon.same was the case with me.Yes our university got highly impressed by IPL and came up with Final examination time table.
Anyways..Even this time I tried my level best and managed to screw up my exams....
Mid sems was a formality..because end sems was in vicinity.
Quite obviously i was not that serious about my mid sems....
So this was the way I managed to take my mid sems.....
(mid sem's blues ):
1st paper : web engg
I entered the examination hall even without pen....anyways got that from almighty frnds
As i got my ppr....I scanned it twice, no I guess usual....there was not even 1 question that was familiar....
It was like facing current affair questions of timbaktoo....
When I looked around..everyone was busy in scribbling their answer sheet..

2nd paper :Distributed systems (appeared with distributed brain)
It was a terrible experience..When I was entering the exam hall..I heard from my frnd..who was leaking confidential info with full confidence...
FRND: "oye..RPC aaya hai...their is a question on RPC "
ME: lo look..??:O:O sure?? the way,what is RPC???
FRND: Client make a request to the server for its resources by making clien stub, the server fulfil its
request by server stub.....!!!! all write in your own words..yar..
ME: allright !
" I entered the hall as if ' Newton with gravitational force and his apple appearing to take the physics exam...."
(If I would have been in place of newton I would hv surely eaten that save the lives of poor gravitionally harmed students....with Amrita's law of eating apples..)
Then I got the paper..I scanned it..My brain notified..RPC FOUND
RPC found (it was last question)..
I started writing..short note on RPC.As i was having much time in my hands....I started writing in my best possible hand writing.
I scribbled 4 pages.....yes 4 PAGES on "RESOURCE PROCEDURE CALL (RPC)" activating the blogging-engineer inside me....shown all the creativity,innovation,imaginative power.....To answer it..
After it..I peeped in ans sheet of the class mate sitting next to me....she Was showing her creativity...
But I seen RPC as "REMOTE PROCEDURE CALL"...i asked her..
"abe oye....what is the full form of RPC..She said Remote procedure call...."
oo man..I looked my sheet...on all four pages i wrote..RPC as resource procedure call..
and in order to fill the sheet ..everytime i wrote full form of RPC....
duhuuuuuu...then what !!...i utilized left editing...resource as remote..
but that was not all....
when i was submitting my sheet..i notice sumthing..weird...
I wrote STUD in place of STUB :O:O:O;O...
and their was no more time for I can do this..
what if faculty knows the meaning of stud ...o my god...shhhhhhh...
and thus mid sems ended...
bye folks..
luv u all..
enjoy n tc